The price of the LATINO voucher, valid from 18/05/2020, includes VAT (the corresponding tax applies in the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) and is subject to these terms and conditions, as well as Lebara's general terms and conditions, available at
By using it or activating it, the customer accepts these terms and conditions. Lebara reserves the right to change the terms of this product. For updates please check can activate the LATINO voucher at a Lebara point-of-sale, by texting the word LATINO for free to 22333 or at
www.lebaraspain.esThe voucher includes:
75 minutes valid for calls to 5 international countries with no call set-up fee. To check all the countries included in the voucher, go to, 1000 minutes for Lebara-to-Lebara calls and 10 National SMS.
Lebara-to-Lebara calls made outside the 1000 minutes are subject to a €0.399 call set-up fee. When these limits are exceeded, calls will be charged as domestic calls to mobiles at €0.22/min.
The LATINO voucher is valid for 28 calendar days after it is activated. When the 28-day validity period expires, the voucher will be automatically renewed as long as there is sufficient credit on the SIM card (€10); otherwise, the original tariffs that each customer had contracted before the corresponding voucher was activated will be applied.
When the voucher minutes have been used up, the original tariffs that each customer had contracted prior to the voucher in question will also apply. The voucher is non-transferable. To cancel the automatic renewal of the voucher, you must text NO LATINO for free to 22333 before the voucher expires.