The price of the Maroc voucher includes VAT (the corresponding tax applies in the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) and is subject to these terms and conditions, as well as Lebara's general terms and conditions, available at
By using it or activating it, the customer accepts these terms and conditions. Lebara reserves the right to change the terms of this product. For updates please consult Maroc voucher can be activated at a Lebara point of sale or at, but to do so, you need have an active All In 10, 15, 20 or 30 voucher when buying it. It is possible to have several active Maroc vouchers, each with its own minutes and independent duration from the time you buy it (28 days), if you comply with the aforementioned active voucher criterion.
The voucher includes:
30 minutes valid for calls to Morocco mobiles with no cost per minute or call set-up fee (from national territory).
When the voucher minutes have been used up, the calls will be charged at the original tariff applied before the voucher is activated. The Maroc voucher is valid for 28 calendar days after it is activated. When the 28-day validity period expires, the original tariffs that each customer had contracted before the corresponding voucher was activated will apply.